mardi 30 décembre 2008

Seen at home: La marche de l'empereur

Découvrez Émilie Simon!

Aujourd'hui, la souris aux fourneaux...

Lunch time = la quiche tomate chèvre (recette de la souris)
- une pâte feuilletée
- trois tomates
- un fromage de chèvre type St Maur
- un peu de gruyère
- 5 oeufs
- trois/quatre cuillérées de crème fraîche
- sel
- poivre
serve with a fresh salad

dinner time = hamburger
Recipe retrieved from cookpad
serve with French beans

tomorrow, will be cooking again, due preparations of New Eve party and the Japanese style New Year celebrations (お正月)

dimanche 28 décembre 2008

Interesting conversation between a mom and her daughter

My mum: pianist, piano teacher, and... currently MA student in musicology. Conducting research on Takemitsu around notions such as space and sound. If I properly got what she ment (my mom's sometimes quite a cosmic person)
Me: graduated a few years ago from MA, conducted research on pop culture, and... currently MBA student at a business grad school.

My mum: Hey, by chance, you've got that book from Adorno?
Me: yep yep, lemme see. Yep, got it.

Few days later

My mum: mm, that Adorno. You like what he writes, don't you.
Me: yep yep. Bought it five years ago. I'm a big fan.
My mum: isn't he... mmm... kinda... marxist.
Me: yep yep. He is.
My mum: so you're also...
Me: yep mum, I'm also a post-marxist
My mum: ...

Read: les lumières de Hong-Kong, Wang Anyi

Pas mon favori de Wang Anyi... Le couple en essouflement... les désillusions des émigrés... Etrange roman. Mais on y retrouve, bien heureusement, le travail d'orfèvre que fait Wang Anyi sur les sentiments humains.

read: le jardin des égarements, by Ang Li

Joli roman, plongé dans un jardin, va et viens dans la mémoire, chassé croisé entre le passé et le présent, avec, en filigrane, le passé rouge de Taiwan.

lundi 22 décembre 2008

Seen: Burn after reading

Seen it. Quite hilarious to watch Brad Pitt play a stupid guy... George Clooney's nice in it too. Quite a few nice scenes, fun sequences. On average, expected a bit more of the film. Anyway, was a good laugh after the exams...

Read: Li Ang, le jardin des égarements

Read: Park life, by Yoshida Shuichi

jeudi 18 décembre 2008

H&M commercial

Lovely commercial for H&M seen at the cinema yesterday.
A bit baroque, very daliesque; I love it.
I'd be even tempted to pay a visit to a H&M though I'm more a Zara or a Promod person...

lundi 15 décembre 2008

Currently listening to...

back from Orchestra, after playing of Prokofiev's classical symphony... I'm listening to Dvorak's slavonic dances. Thinking of. Not a cellist. Just about his green sparkling eyes and his bright smile. Hope to see him very very soon...