vendredi 5 juin 2009

Home by Yann Arthus Bertrand

Seen it from home, as it was broadcasted on TV ;)

dimanche 4 janvier 2009


Present from my sis, back from Japan. Cute, isn't it?
More cute pigs on

read: Je m'appelle Asher Lev, by Chaim Potok

Was thrilled by the book. Loved it. Read in two days... Probably fascinated by the destiny of a gifted painter, who paints because he can but paint. Painting as a compulsion, a reason to live. Pretty nice. The artist as the one that goes against... even its own religion... Art that hurts, art that liberates...

samedi 3 janvier 2009

Seen: the good, the bad, the weird

Seen it, on dailymotion. Had a blast. Well, Lee Byung Hun and Chung Woo Sang in the same movie, was just so tempting.

vendredi 2 janvier 2009

Read: la salamandre, by Ibuse Masuji

Chroniques du Japon, de voyageurs, de médecins qui décryptent leurs contemporains...

Something about Ben...

Plunge into the darkness of one of my closest friend's creativity and inspiration... You will find some light.
Go and see Ben's website. Awful ergonomy, but sublime photos